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    Marilyn's Story

    Marilyn's Story

    Years ago, when I was raising my family, I could pick up a Christian radio station out of Muskegon, Michigan, and heard many wonderful programs from men such as Dr. James Dobson, Chuck Swindoll, and Don Wildmon. I was a "baby Christian" at that time, and those programs were my daily nourishment.

    In time, that station went off the air, and I found Moody Radio. I listened to that until we moved to another house, where I did not receive any Christian radio stations. My new neighbor and my sister-in-law told me that the Muskegon Christian station had been bought by American Family Radio. Since then, it has been the only station I listen to.

    In 2012, my husband passed, and realizing that I could no longer care for the house, do the yard work, and shovel the snow, I sold the house and moved to an apartment in town.

    Having listened for years to Dan Celia talk about the charitable gift annuity, I decided to call [and set one up]. I do not remember who took my call, but she was so very nice and helpful. We came up with a plan; it was easily accomplished, and I feel very sure God was in it all the way. I feel very blessed! -Marilyn

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